Are you a small business owner who is struggling to navigate the intricacies of the Home Fragrance and/or Skincare industries? 

Are you trying to decide if either of these industries are the right fit for you? 

Molly and Me Candles business owner, Sharron McHugh, hasextensive knowledge and experience across and range of industries andunderstands the challenges of starting a new business. She currently workswithin two industries that have specific and intricate legislative andregulatory considerations – Home Fragrance and Skincare – and she can help younavigate these challenges and signpost you to useful resources and people whocan help further.

Sharron worked previously within the hospitality and retail industry and has gained considerable experience during her time there. She also works part-time within the Construction Industry as a NEBOSH qualified Health & Safety Manager for a Co Tyrone Electrical Engineering company. 

With  qualifications in Food Safety Management, Occupational Health & Safety Management, Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture and Therapeutic Counselling, Sharron has a wide range of experience in the following areas.

  • Human Resources

  • Risk Assessments – HazardIdentification and Control. 

  • Management of ISO (International Organisationfor Standardization) systems. 

  • Coaching & Development

  • Home Fragrance Industry

  • Skincare Industry

  • Sustainability